Commissioners Agree to Upgrade of Voting Machines


At today’s meeting of the Brown County Commissioners Court, approval was given to County Elections Administrator Brenda Arp for upgrading the County’s election machines.  Arp explained that the voting machines, from Hart Intercivic, are about five years old, and need to be upgraded from version 2.5 to version 2.7.  This will involve replacing batteries on each of 144 voting machines and replacing the CFAST software.  The turnkey quote from Hart for the upgrade was over $60,000, but Arp said that she and her staff can perform most of the upgrade tasks.  Her proposal was to purchase from Hart a Do-It-Yourself kit for $468, plus pay for one person from Hart to come onsite and upgrade the master vote tabulation machine, for $1,670.  The upgraded software will allow for a larger text font on the voting machine screens, which will be easier to read, will make write-in voting easier, and other improvements.  A new printer will need to be purchased also.  Arp said the upgrade and equipment purchases can be paid for with funds from the HAVA grant that was received by her department.  HAVA (Help America Vote Act) is a program of the U.S. Government.  She asked the Commissioners for the authority to spend no more than $5,000 of the Election Department’s HAVA money for the upgrade project.  Commissioners approved.

County Clerk Sharon Ferguson reported a possible upcoming expense concerning the County’s operating software.  The County recently converted to a new software system from Tyler Technology.  Ferguson discovered that the new system does not include the capability for processing and storing Vital Statistics.  Adding that module to the system could cost up to $39,000.  Commissioners expressed surprise and dismay that Vital Statistics was not included in the software purchased, as they believed it was an all-encompassing system for County operations.  Commissioners tabled the matter, to give them time to investigate the situation more.

In other business:

*** Commissioners approved the upcoming local elections on May 3rd.  The only races on the ballot will be Bangs School Board and Early School Board.

*** Commissioners agreed to leave the current burn ban ON.

***Commissioners approved a request from Precinct 1 Commissioner Kirk Chastain for the purchase of a Caterpillar Model 140SW Motor Grader.  The cost will be $231,222.95, with trade-in.  The new Grader was bid through the Sourcewell Co-op.

*** Commissioners approved a request from the City of Brownwood for the installation of a private sewer line on Franke Street.

*** Commissioners approved requests from Brookesmith SUD for the installation of private water lines on County Roads 495 and 563.

*** Commissioners approved a replat of the Woodbridge Estates subdivision, now to be known as The Point.

*** Commissioners approved a six-month addendum to the lease agreement for the Juvenile Justice Center.