The Center for Rural and Small School Music Education (CRSSME) at Howard Payne University, in cooperation with Tarpley Music of San Angelo, sponsored a University Interscholastic League (UIL) pre-contest listening session for area school band directors on January 19.
The panel of respondent-clinicians included James Bode, Barry Hunt and Dr. Jonathan Kraemer, assistant professor of music and director of bands at HPU. Directors provided recorded rehearsals of their ensembles and received verbal and written comments to improve the performance of the students.
Dr. Richard Fiese, professor of music education and the director of the CRSSME, noted that this session is one instance of the services that the center provides for area music educators and an example of how HPU supports the quality music education for all students including those in rural and small schools.
“Support for rural music programs is rare. This UIL pre-contest listening session is one of many ways that demonstrate how Howard Payne’s outstanding music department tangibly supports rural music programs,” said Dr. Mike Rosato, dean of the school of education and fine arts. “I am so proud of the on-going, excellent work of our music faculty.”
Dr. Fiese also acknowledged the importance of the participation and co-sponsorship of Tarpley Music of San Angelo. School directors from Rotan, Jayton, Seymour, Comanche, Hamlin, Coleman, Early and Goldthwaite applied to participate in the listening session. The CRSSME was established in 2019 and seeks to provide assistance, support, research, professional development and advocacy for the students and teachers in the rural, small-school music programs of Texas.
For more information about the CRSSME, contact the School of Education and Fine Arts at 325-649-8500 or visit