Coggin Elementary Fourth-Graders Enjoy Glow Party Following Walk Across Texas Contest


On Thursday, January 18, Coggin Elementary fourth-grade students enjoyed a glow party during their P.E. class as a result of winning their “Walk Across Texas!” contest.

Our 4th graders completed 847.55 miles together to make it across Texas first. Their glow party was a fun way to celebrate their hard work,” said Coggin P.E. teacher Stefenia Phipps, who has worked in conjunction with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension to make Coggin Elementary a “Healthy Recognized Campus” for a second year. “We are excited to become a Healthy Recognized Campus again this year. We are very thankful for our community support and partnership with the Texas A&M AgriLife in Brown Country. Courtney Parrott, Wendy Hamilton, and Nick Gonzales have been great at working together to produce newsletters, presentations, resources, and incentive items for our Coggin Elementary students. Students have had a great time learning about how to keep their minds and bodies healthy.”

During the glow party, students were able to enjoy several activities set up in the gym, which also features a brand-new floor. All four Brownwood elementary schools recently received new gymnasium floors as part of the Brownwood ISD 2023 Bond. “Coach McDonald and myself are thankful for the help of our teachers and administrators at Coggin Elementary,” said Phipps. “We are lucky to be a part of such a supportive Brownwood community that brings the best to our students.”

Additional photos and video from the event can be viewed at