November sales tax numbers down throughout Brown County


All three Brown County cities received sales tax allocations from the State Comptroller’s Office this month that are lower than the November 2022 allocation.  Fiscal year-to-date (October-November 2023) the City of Brownwood is slightly up over last year, while Bangs and Early are both down.  Sales tax allocations in November represent taxable retail sales in September 2023.  Details below.


The City of Brownwood received $624,538 in November, down 1.45% from November 2022.  Fiscal year-to-date (October and November 2023) the City has received $1,202,366, up 1.69% compared to October-November 2022.

The Brownwood Municipal Development District received $194,580 in November, down 2.48% from November 2022.  Fiscal year-to-date the BMDD has received $386,066, up 1.60% over October-November 2022.


The City of Early received $196,154 in November, a decrease of 11.78% compared to November 2022.  Fiscal year-to-date Early has received $415,807, down 7.47% from October-November 2022.

The Early Municipal Development District received $62,754 in November, a decrease of 11.93% from November 2022.  Fiscal year-to-date the EMDD has received 135,188, down 7.01% from October-November 2022.


The City of Bangs received $23,192 in November, a decrease of 10.35% compared to November 2022.  Fiscal year-to-date Bangs has received $42,500, down 7.60% from November 2022.

The Bangs Municipal Development District received $3,033 in November, a decrease of 21.65% compared to November 2022.  Fiscal year-to-date the Bangs MDD has received $5,954, down 15.04% from October-November 2022.