Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service McCulloch County is hosting the Hill Country Cattleman’s Conference on Wednesday October 25th.
The conference will be held at Jordan Cattle Auction 1310 US HWY 190, San Saba, Texas.
Registration will begin at 8:30 and the program will start at 9:00am.
There will be 2 CEUs offered if you hold a applicator license.
Topics to be discussed:
- Beef Industry Updates
- Stocker Buyer Panel with Live Cattle
- Ranch Raised Beef Direct to the Consumer
- Hay Testing
- Fly and External Parasite Control
If you RSVP by October 18th the cost is $25 and after October 18th the cost will be $35. Lunch will be provided.
You can RSVP by contacting the Brown County Extension Office at 325-646-0386.