City of Early and Greater Brown County Recreation & Education Community Needs Assessment


News release from the City of Early:

Mayor Robert Mangrum and your Early City Councilmembers have been listing to you. They have heard people talking about our greater community’s need for recreation and educational amenities and opportunities for the public. They have heard people asking for fun safe entertainment for children, youth, adults, and seniors. It is self-evident that our community needs to grow programs related to mentoring our youth, caring for our children, growing personal relationships, and providing youthful activities for our senior population.

Early and the Greater Community of Brown County is a great place to live. People from all over the state and nation are figuring this out. Rural living is becoming popular, and urban dwellers are seeing the value in our quality of life. Providing opportunities for them to experience and learn the rural lifestyle is important, and it is a lesson most importantly learned from the people living in our community. Positive interaction with other people within a community is what keeps “OUR” sense of community strong.

Do you think we need a youth facility then let us know? Do we need a place for our senior population to gather together and enjoy their golden years then we need to hear that as well. What is the condition and need of daycare and after-school care for our children? Please let us know.

We want to hear your thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and opinions. Does it mean that we can address them all? Maybe not, but we can only improve on what we know is important to the citizens. These Community Needs Survey results will help with the preparation and implementation of future plans, programs, and improvements within our city.

This survey is not just limited to those who live within the City of Early. All of Brown County and those outside of Brown County travel in and around our city on a regular basis. We are all more than just a city, we are a community and everyone matters.

Please take the time to provide us with your thoughts on these topics.

Use THIS LINK to provide your input.