Winters native serves aboard U.S. Navy floating airport


Seaman Marc Rose, a native of Winters, Texas, is one of more than 5,000 sailors serving aboard the self-contained mobile airport, USS Carl Vinson.

Equipped with a full flight deck and more than 60 aircraft including attack fighter jets and helicopters, aircraft carriers are one of the largest warships in the world.
Rose graduated from Northwest High School in 2016 and joined the Navy six years ago.

“I joined the Navy looking for a career and I wanted to serve my country,” said Rose. “Military service is a family tradition. I’m the fourth generation to serve.”

Skills and values learned in the Navy are similar to those found in Winters.

“I learned in Winters that having a positive attitude is important,” said Rose. “I also learned to keep doing what needs to be done in order to support the mission and that, as long as you put your mind to it, you’ll be successful.”

Aircraft carriers are the centerpiece of America’s Naval forces. For more than 100 years, they have projected power, sustained sea control, bolstered deterrence, provided humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, and maintained enduring commitments worldwide.

According to Navy officials, aircraft carriers are versatile and have unique mission capabilities that make them a more strategic asset for the Navy than fixed-site bases. They are often the first response in a global cruise because of their ability to operate freely in international waters anywhere on the world’s ocean. In addition, no other weapon system can deploy and operate forward with a full-sized, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier’s speed, endurance, agility and the combat capability of its air wing.

This year commemorates 50 years of women flying in the U.S. Navy. In 1973, the first eight women began flight school in Pensacola. One year later six of them, known as “The First Six,” earned their “Wings of Gold.” Over the past 50 years, the Navy has expanded its roles for women to lead and serve globally, and today women aviators project power from the sea in every type of Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard aircraft. According to Navy officials, our Nation and our Navy is stronger because of their service.

With 90 percent of global commerce traveling by sea and access to the internet relying on the security of undersea fiber optic cables, Navy officials continue to emphasize that the prosperity of the United States is directly linked to trained sailors and a strong Navy.

“Our mission remains timeless – to provide our fellow citizens with nothing less than the very best Navy: fully combat ready at all times, focused on warfighting excellence, and committed to superior leadership at every single level,” said Adm. Mike Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations. “This is our calling. And I cannot imagine a calling more worthy.”

As a member of the Navy, Rose is part of a world-class organization focused on maintaining maritime dominance, strengthening partnerships, increasing competitive warfighting capabilities and sustaining combat-ready forces in support of the National Defense Strategy.

“Anyone who wants to get to the U.S. from overseas would have to come by water,” said Rose. “So, the Navy is our nation’s first line of defense.”

Rose has many opportunities to achieve accomplishments during military service.

“I’m proud to earn my Fleet Marine Forces qualifications,” said Rose. “Before transferring to my current job as a culinary specialist, I was a Navy hospital corpsman. I worked with the Marines in Camp Pendleton.”

As Rose and other sailors continue to perform missions, they take pride in serving their country in the United States Navy.

“Serving in the Navy means a lot,” said Rose. “I’m protecting my friends and family in the states, and I have a career I can be proud of.”

Rose is grateful to others for helping make a Navy career possible.

“I’d like to send a shout out to my friend, John Wright,” added Rose. “He’s been my friend since elementary school. I’d also like to thank my dad who was an inspiration for me joining the military.”