Brookesmith ISD shared the following news release Monday afternoon:
At approximately 10:00 this morning (Monday), the librarian and teachers on the south side of Brookesmith Elementary School heard loud grinding and pounding noises. Initial thoughts were that it was thunder. When the sounds persisted, Maintenance Director Ned Jennings investigated further. When he removed a drop ceiling tile and peered into the area between the ceiling and the roof, he was met by a cloud of dust particles and some smoke. Though flames were not present, the school was evacuated and students were removed to the gymnasium, a separate building, pending determination of the extent of the damage.
Following removal of the students a local electrical contractor assessed the damage and diagnosed the system. He determined that a metal “squirrel cage”, a type of cylindrical fan used to push air, had disintegrated between the drop ceiling and the roof. The broken metal pieces had shredded the surrounding insulation and caused some of the material to smolder. By this time children had been sent home.
By 12:30, with the school devoid of children, a clear assessment and diagnosis were presented. The ventilation unit is safe, had been taken offline, and options for repair or replacement were being considered.
School will resume with a normal schedule tomorrow (Tuesday).