On Tuesday morning, January 3, 2023, at 9:00 am officials elected in the November general election were sworn-in to their office in the county courtroom of the Brown County Courthouse. Those taking the oath included County Commissioners, Justices of the Peace, District and County Clerks and County Attorney. Newly elected Brown County Judge Shane Britton issued the Oath of Office to the following:
County Commissioners (Above): Larry Traweek, Precinct 4; Joel Kelton, Precinct 2.
Justices of the Peace (above): Judge Ted Perez, Precinct 4; Judge Bryan Thompson, Precinct 3; Judge Harold Hogan, Precinct 2 and Judge Doug Hurt, Precinct 1.
(Above) District Clerk: Cheryl Jones; County Clerk: Sharon Ferguson; County Attorney: Jennifer Broughton