Boy Scouts 2022 Distinguished Citizen Award to be presented to Paul Waldrop Jr. Oct. 25


The Boy Scouts of America, Texas Trails Council will honor Paul Waldrop Jr. as the 2022 Distinguished Citizen.

The honor will be presented to Waldrop at the Boy Scouts 2022 Distinguished Citizen Award Dinner that will be held at the Coggin Connection Center, 1817 Coggin Ave. Brownwood, Texas at 7 p.m. Tuesday, October 25, 2022.

Table sponsorships, honorariums, and individual ticket information are available by contacting Dennis Graham, Board Member of the Texas Trails Council and Chairman for this year’s event.

For reservations, contact Dennis at or call 806-674-1708.

Paul was born in Brownwood in 1951 and as a young boy was a Cub Scout in one of the local cub scout packs of the Comanche Trail Council of the BSA. The core values of Scouting are principles he has never forgotten. Paul Waldrop Jr. is one of the most respected men in the construction industry in this part of Texas and he has been a strong leader in the Brownwood community throughout his adult life.

He graduated from Brownwood High School in 1969; married Lynda Cross and attended Howard Payne University. He served in the Texas National Guard from 1972 to 1978. He joined his father as a partner of Waldrop Construction Co. in 1972 and they worked together for 40 years until the passing of Paul Sr. Paul has since been partners with his son, Sam Waldrop in this business. Paul and Lynda also have two daughters, Michelle Brasher and Becky Warner and eight grandchildren. Paul and Lynda are long-time members of Coggin Ave. Baptist Church.

Paul has served on boards of the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce, the Brownwood Industrial Foundation, the Brown County Youth Fair Association, the local Girl Scouts, the Brown County Boys and Girls Club, New Horizons Ranch and Home for Children, and the B.C. Drinkard Foundation. He is currently a member of the board of directors of the Brown County Hospital Authority, Texas Bank, Central Texas Foundation, West Texas Chapter Associated General Contractors, and Texas Building Branch ABG. Also, Paul is now serving as a trustee on the board of Hendrick Medical Center in Abilene, Texas.