Brookesmith ISD is proud to introduce their new PK-12 Principal, Mr. Kyle Admire. Mr. Admire hails from Lubbock, Texas. He has previous experience in educational administration and has worked hard throughout the summer to prepare for the start of the new school year. He and his 13 year-old daughter, Shyanna, are settled and ready to go!
Mr. Admire graduated from Wayland Baptist University with a Bachelor of Science in Religious Studies and a Master of Education. His previous experience includes positions as an Assistant Principal in Vernon, Texas; Technology Integration Coordinator at Perryton, Texas; Instructional Coach in Tulsa Public Schools; and, as a teacher in Lazzbuddie (near Muleshoe), Olton and Hale Center ISDs, all in Texas. His current Texas certifications are Grade 4-8 Generalist, Secondary Business 6-12 and Principal EC-12. His immediate goals are to maintain excellence, help students explore new opportunities, support teachers in all their efforts and institute a bass-fishing club.
Mr. Admire is a widower. He has four grown children who live throughout Texas. His 13-year-old daughter, Shyanna and his chocolate Labrador, Ruckiss, live with him in Brookesmith.
(by Bob Contreras)