The City of Early, through their Facebook page, has shared some renderings of what the Boardwalk will look like at the future Early Town Center. This is a project which is being built on land which is just north of Early Blvd, from behind Humphrey Pete’s to behind the CEFCO store. There is an existing pond there already which will be significantly expanded and the Boardwalk built next to it. The photos shared by the City of Early show what local and area residents can expect to see over the course of the next year or so. You can learn more about the project by clicking on THIS LINK.
City of Early Photo from earlier this year – looking toward the east. The Early Town Center will be built on the land on the left while Early Blvd is on the right side of the photo.
City of Early photo from earlier this year – looking toward the West – with Early Blvd on the left side of the photo. The grassy area and pond to the right side of the photo is where Early Town Center is being built.
City of Early – Artist rendering of how the Early Town Center Boardwalk will look when complete.
Photo courtesy City of Early – another rendering of the Boardwalk which will be constructed at the Early Town Center Project.
Rendering courtesy City of Early – A birds eye view of what the Early Town Center Boardwalk project will look like.