June 13th thru 16th (Monday-Thursday) the county will begin a chip seal project on CR 261.
The project will take approximately 4 days to complete.
“We anticipate the road to be closed 8:30 am until 4:30 pm daily. The project will begin on the South end of CR 261 covering approximately 1 mile per day working to the North (towards Zephyr). We appreciate your cooperation in allowing us to get the job done without interference from vehicle traffic. Therefore, if you have business on that day, please plan your departure or arrival before or after the stated time. Obviously, the time may change due to weather or equipment breakdowns, so we appreciate your cooperation. If you have any questions, please give me a call. This will be a two-part project, the second phase will start approximately one month after the first, this will allow the chip seal to cure prior to putting another coat on top. It will not affect the traffic during the curing process.”
Doug Jester
Brown County Pct. 3