The City of Brownwood Planning & Zoning Commission will meet Thursday, June 2, at 4:00 pm at City Hall to act on the following agenda items.
Call to Order
Items to be Withdrawn
Approval of Minutes
Regular Meeting –May 5, 2022
Public Hearing
Consider a request to change the zoning classification of the 2700 Block of Avenue C including properties 2700, 2701, 2703, 2705, 2707, 2710, and 2711. Also, to include properties located at 2701, 2703, 2707, and 2709 Avenue D and 1102 16th Street from MH/C1 Manufactured Home/Local Business District to R3 Multi-Family Residential District. The purpose of the change in the zoning classification is to discourage commercial development within a residential neighborhood and to create zoning more practical for the area in which the above listed properties are located.
A. Consider final approval of the final plat of Stella Savannah Estates, consisting of 1.27 acres out of the Kerr County School Land Survey Number 276, Abstract 574, Block 26, located in Brown County Texas. Said Plat is located between the following streets: East side of Vick Drive and South of State Hwy 45. The purpose of the Plat is for residential use. The lots on this property are not in the Brownwood City Limits, however, they are in the Brownwood ETJ (Extra Territorial Jurisdiction) and must follow normal platting procedures, and is in Brown County, Texas.
B. Consider final approval of the final plat of Willis Creek Development No. 1, being a final plat of 11 lots on 58.19 Acres, of the Robert Malone, Survey 48, Abstract 656, Josephine Milhorn, Abstract 620, located in Brown County Texas. Said Plat is located between the following boundaries: FM 2376, Morris Sheppard Drive, and Calvert Road. The purpose of this Plat is for individual sale and construction of single-family homes.