On May 24, CASA in the Heart of Texas will sponsor a session focused on understanding the impact of trauma on children and young adults, how trauma manifests itself in children’s behaviors, and the ways to help them heal from their trauma. The session is free and open to all. The session will be from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM on May 24 and will take place at the Community Connections of Central Texas building located at 901 Avenue B in Brownwood.
The speaker for the event will be Carlton Burke who is the Clinical Director for the Audrey Grace house in Abilene which provides counseling and residential services for children in foster care. Mr. Burke has over 20 years of experience as a therapist and counselor and has spent 15 years working specifically with trauma.
Parents, foster parents, caregivers, teachers, guidance counselors, and those working in child social service organizations should find this session useful. There will be a question-and-answer period for general questions at the end of the session.
Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness, diminishes the sense of self and one’s ability to feel a full range of experiences and emotions. Trauma can be caused by many things including abuse, neglect, experiencing a natural disaster like the recent fires in our area, loss of home or family, bullying, separation from or the death of a loved one, and witnessing domestic violence. Knowledgeable caregivers and other adults can play an important role in helping a child heal from their trauma.
If you have questions about the session or would like to learn more about CASA in the Heart of Texas and its mission to “passionately support the overall well-being and best interests of children in the foster care system and effectively collaborate with their families and other support systems”, please call 325 643 2557 or visit casabrownwood.org.
CASA in the Heart of Texas is a non-profit organization serving Brown, Comanche, and Mills counties.