Sentences Handed Down in District Court


According to District Attorney Micheal Murray, the following felony cases were recently heard in Brown/Mills County District Court, Judge Mike Smith, presiding.

Michael Hobbs pled guilty to the felony offense of Driving While Intoxicated and was sentenced to Thirty (30) years, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division.

Latasha Lewis, aka Roberson, pled guilty to two separate felony offenses of Forgery and was sentenced to Seven (7) years, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division.

Carrie Michelle Thetford pled guilty to the felony offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance and was sentenced to Three (3) years, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division. Further, Thetford, on probation for the state jail felony offense of Forgery was revoked and sentenced to Twenty­two (22) months, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, State Jail Division.

Tory Cottrell pled guilty to two separate state jail felony offenses of Theft of Firearm and was sentenced to Two (2) years, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, State Jail Division.

Jessie Walker pled guilty to the state jail felony offense of Driving While Intoxicated with Child Passenger and was sentenced to Twelve (12) months, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, State Jail Division. Further, Walker, on probation for the state jail felony offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance-Drug Free Zone was revoked and sentenced to Twelve (12) months, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, State Jail Division.

Jeffrey Lawrence Eldred pled guilty to the state jail felony offense of Theft and was sentenced to Twelve (12) months, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, State Jail Division.

Nicholas Mayon pled guilty to the state jail felony offense of Theft of Firearm and was sentenced to Twelve (12) months, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, State Jail Division.