News spread among 3M employees that the company’s mandatory vaccine mandate had been rescinded just minutes before a second peaceful protest was slated to begin outside the Brownwood facility at noon Wednesday.
3M’s corporate office sent emails to employees Wednesday in light of Tuesday’s news that a federal judge halted the Biden Administration’s federal vaccine mandate for federal contractors and subcontractors nationwide.
U.S. District Court Judge for the Southern District of Georgia R. Stanley Baker issued a preliminary nationwide injunction, saying the court was “unconvinced” that the vaccine mandate was within President Joe Biden’s executive powers, and that contractors could suffer “extreme economic burden” if the order takes effect.
Despite the news, the protest continued but the tone shifted toward a celebratory rally.
Marc Followwell with the Citizens Against Vaccine Mandates group began the rally by sharing the news for those who may not have heard, which was greeted with thunderous applause.
“It’s a great day and it’s phenomenal news,” Followwell said. “I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you. Thank you guys for your support on something we truly believe in.”
Barbara Bachman, a quality engineer at 3M, also addressed those in attendance.
“This is a great day and I’m so grateful,” Bachman said. “These companies, big corporations and the way they are handing this, it’s crap. They’re not taking care of their people, they’re taking care of their pocketbook. Unfortunately, our local leaders, I think personally wanted to, but if they did more they’d be replaced in the blink of an eye. Forgive them and pray for them, they were in a tough role and I do believe in my heart if they got fired for this, we would get worse. That’s just how it rolls. I’m happy we have the leaders we have.”
Steven McCrane with the Citizens Against Vaccine Mandates also spoke and thanked U.S. Rep. August Pfluger, Gov. Greg Abbott, State Rep. Glenn Rogers, State Rep. David Spiller, Brown County Judge Paul Lilly, Brown County Attorney Shane Britton, Brownwood Mayor Stephen Haynes, the Brown County Commissioners and Brownwood City Council members for their support.
“All these elected officials are against the federal government mandates,” McCrane said. “They will do all within their power to enforce the reversal of the national trends of mandates and the infringement by the government. They also want to support 3M employees and all other local employees faced with these continued unconstitutional mandates.”