The following calls were responded to by the Brown County Sheriff’s Department in recent days.
- On Monday, October 18, Deputy Mason Fabbiani was notified of a hit and run, which occurred at Kirkland Docks campground. A report was made, and insurance was contacted.
- On Tuesday, October 19 at approximately 12:05 a.m., dispatch advised there was a reckless driver on E US 377, approximately 5 or 6 miles from Early. Dispatch advised the caller provided a license plate, which came back to a white Lincoln Sedan. Early PD Officer Olalde initiated a traffic stop on the subject’s vehicle. The vehicle fled west down Commerce. A pursuit was initiated, and the suspect was eventually arrested.
- On Thursday, October 14 at approximately 1 p.m., a complainant reported numerous items had been stolen from his ranch, located in the 3200 block of FM 1176, during the last month. A report has been generated and will be forwarded to investigations for further review.
- On Friday, October 15, Deputy Mason Fabbiani was notified of a possible theft of property on County Road 175. Deputy Fabbiani made contact with the owner of the property and was told a subject, who was picking up trash, had picked up items that were to be kept. A report has been made at this time.
- On Friday, October 15 at about 8:20 a.m. Deputy Byron Langley arrived at the 7900 block of CR 190 in Brownwood. This was in regards to a hit and run. The victim stated someone had run their vehicle into his fence, causing damage, and left the scene.
- On Friday, October 15 at approximately 9:29 a.m., Deputy Scotty Burke met with a complainant at Tamarack Drive in May. This was in reference to a stolen trailer report and investigation.
- On Friday, October 15 at about 4:02 p.m. Deputy Byron Langley arrived at Brooke Valley Dr. in May. This was in regards to theft. Langley spoke to a complainant who works for the Zephyr Water Supply who stated a suspect had hooked a hose to the water line to get free water.
- On Sunday, October 17 at about 2:31 p.m. Deputy Byron Langley arrived at the Hendrick Medical Center located at Crockett Dr in Brownwood. This was in regards to a dog bite. Langley spoke to a victim who stated she was bitten by a large black and white dog while working in her yard. The victim stated she did not know who the dog belonged to, and it ran away before she could find the owner.
- On Sunday, October 17 at around 4:18 p.m. Deputy Carlyle Gover arrived at CR 477. This was in reference to Game Warden requesting a Trespass Warning to be served. The warning was served, and a report was made.
- On Sunday, October 17 at around 7:43 p.m. Deputy Carlyle Gover responded to CR 606. This was in reference to an assault that occurred. After the complainant received medical treatment, a report was made for the assault and damage done to his property.