Corinne T. Smith Animal Center Board to Meet Thursday


The Board of Directors of the Corinne T. Smith Animal Center has scheduled a meeting on Thursday, June 24, at 5:30 pm, at the Adams Street Community Center, 511 East Adams.

CTSAC will be having an open meeting this month; however due to remodeling, we are meeting in the smaller of the Adams St. Community Center conference rooms.  All guests are asked to sign in.

The meeting agenda states:

Please understand that even when our meetings are open to the public, they are first and foremost, a business meeting and not a public forum. With that in mind, please be prepared to abide by the following restrictions:

  1. There will be no time for public comment from the audience.
  2. There will be no time for questions from the audience.
  3. There will be no disruption of the Board’s Agenda or dialogue between board members.
  4. Those who submitted written questions three days in advance of the meeting will receive answers to those questions toward the end of the meeting.