Brownwood City Council members approved two recommended appointments to leadership positions during their regularly held Council meeting on Tuesday, June 8, 2021.
Brownwood City Manager Emily Crawford presented her recommendations for appointing Marshal McIntosh as Deputy City Manager and Roland Soto as Parks and Recreation Director to the Council.
“With the retirements of Tim Airheart and Tommy Bell, there has been a ripple effect in multiple departments,” Crawford explained to Council. “We are fortunate to have qualified individuals who are ready and able to step-up into higher positions.”
Crawford recommended Marshal McIntosh be appointed to the newly created Deputy City Manager position. The Deputy City Manager position is designed to be a project-based position that takes on city-wide initiatives and works with all departments. McIntosh has been on the city team for seven years and most recently served as the Assistant Executive Director of the Brownwood Municipal Development District. Crawford credited McIntosh with transforming the city and BMDD’s public information platforms. For the past three years he has been directing the tourism digital marketing campaigns, showcasing Brownwood in a positive light, and garnering attention locally and state-wide. He has been also instrumental in the redevelopment of downtown and the new event center project. McIntosh obtained both his bachelor’s degree in Public and Media Communication and a master’s degree in Business Administration from Howard Payne University. He has earned a Certified Public Communicator designation from Texas Christian University and is currently pursuing a Certified Public Manager credential through Texas State University.
“Marshal represents the next generation and will assist the city in becoming and staying relevant to a younger demographic we desire to serve,” Crawford said.
The next appointment announced was for the new Director of Parks and Recreation and Community Facilities. Henry Wied served as the Interim Parks Director after the retirement of longtime Parks and Recreation Director David Withers, but was recently named the Director of Public Works for the City of Brownwood. Crawford recommended to Council that Roland Soto be appointed as Director of Parks and Recreation and Community Facilities. Previously,
Soto served as the Sports Coordinator for four years, and was recently promoted as the Community Facilities and Sports Complex Director.
“Roland is doing a fantastic job, has a great attitude, and desires to continue to improve all aspects of the facilities he is responsible for,” Crawford informed the Council. “The addition of the Parks is a natural fit and returns the function of Parks with Recreation.”
Crawford also announced a new promotion within the department. Parks Supervisor, Jon Ochoa, has been named Parks and Recreation Superintendent to oversee the day-to-day operations of the 19 different Brownwood parks and all recreational facilities. “Jon has faithfully served the City of Brownwood for 16 years and has a strong commitment to model the ISERVE Core Values each day,” said Crawford. Crawford also informed Council the city and BMDD will be looking to hire a new Sports Coordinator in the fall of 2021.
Additional staffing changes were also announced in Council. Tim Murray, Director of Development Services, has been named the acting Director of the Engineering Department.
“Tim has helped the city fast-track the process for building permits and inspections. He has implemented more builder-friendly codes, especially in the historic downtown district. Tim has developed relationships with local contractors and works to have a commonsense approach to code interpretation,” Crawford said. Murray will oversee the personnel and operations of the Engineering Department until a permanent staffing decisions are made.
Tommy Bell will be retiring as the Fleet and Sanitation Director after 22 years of service to the city. Heath Bundick, the City of Brownwood Fleet Supervisor, has been named Fleet Superintendent in anticipation of Tommy Bell’s retirement. Bundick has been with the city for 9 years. “Heath has extensive experience in the city garage and is dedicated to servicing the vehicle and equipment needs of the city and striving for excellence,” said Crawford.
Crystal Stanley, the Curator for the Lehnis Railroad Museum, has been promoted to the Museum and Visitor Center Director. The Lehnis Railroad Museum now serves as the official Visitor Center for the City of Brownwood. “Crystal is full of energy and ideas and loves hosting our visitors,” said Crawford. Stanley has worked for the city for 4 years and has a master’s degree in Library and Information Sciences, along with a master’s degree in History with a focus on Museum Studies from Tarleton State University.