A blood drive will be held Friday, April 2, at Doc’s Drug Store in Early. The hours will be Noon until 4:00 pm. Look for the bloodmobiles.
Those who choose to give the gift of life will get a free COVID-19 antibody test plus coupons from Sonic & McDonald’s.
Appointments are encouraged due to social distancing but walk-ins are welcome.
Call 877-25VITAL (877-258-4825) code: docs
OR Download the Vitalant APP Or Vitalant.org
All blood types are needed and welcomed! Blood donors only need to be at least 16 years old, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and be healthy. 16 – 22 year old donors will need to meet additional height and weight requirements. 16 year old donors must present a minor donor permit signed by a parent or guardian – go to www.vitalant.org to find the form.