Weather is affecting when some area schools will begin on Thursday morning.
- Brown County Clerk’s Office in the courthouse – Opens at 10 o’clock this morning.
- TSTC Brownwood – NOW CLOSED Thursday (change from earlier info)
- Brownwood ISD– School at usual time Thursday morning
- Early ISD – School at usual time Thursday morning
- Coleman ISD – 10:00 am start on Thursday, February 11. Buses will run 2 hours late. Please continue to monitor for any changes.
- Panther Creek CISD – A 10:00 am start on Thursday with buses running 2 hours late. No breakfast will be served.
- Santa Anna ISD – A 10:00 am start for Thursday, February 11th – Buses will run 2 hours late.
- Blanket ISD – will start school at 10:00 am, buses run two hours late.
- Bangs ISD – Due to weather conditions Thursday morning, school will start at 10:00 am 2/11/21. Buses will run 2 1/2 hours later than normal in Bangs.
- May ISD – School starts Thursday at 10:00 am, buses run two hours late
- Mullin ISD – Thursday, February 11th and Friday, February 12th, Mullin ISD will be providing remote instruction only. There will be no in-person instruction Thursday or Friday in Mullin.
- Brookesmith ISD will take part in remote learning Thursday due to overnight flooding at the school. There was a water leak in Brookesmith Tuesday and the water supply was turned off the school while it was repaired. When the water was turned back on after hours, a valve was open inside the school all night, which led to a few inches of water standing inside the high school Wednesday.
- Zephyr ISD – Starts at 10:00 am Thursday, buses run two hours late.
- Victory Life Academy Brownwood – Due to expected inclement weather, VLA will have a delayed start at 10:00 am Thursday, February 11.
- Rising Star ISD – Delayed start Thursday morning to 10:00 am, buses run two hours late.
- AccelHealth Clinics DeLeon and Stephenville – Will be closed on Thursday, February 11. The Brownwood AccelHealth Clinic will open at 10:00 am.
- Coleman County Judge Billy Bledsoe has announced that due to the anticipated moisture combined with the freezing temperatures, the courthouse will delay opening until 10:00 am Thursday. All offices in the courthouse may or may not open at this time. One should call the office they need before traveling to the courthouse. Thank you for your understanding.
- The fundraiser for the Corinne T. Smith Animal Center, scheduled for Saturday, February 13, has been postponed until next month on March 13th.