Robert (Bob) Contreras, Coordinator for Grants and Government Affairs for Brown County, has provided an update on grants benefiting Brown County as shown below.
Brown County currently has four approved grants totaling $1,107,535 which the county is using to improve roads, provide emergency water supplies, rebuild low-water crossings, and to defer costs associated with the coronavirus pandemic.
In May 2020, Brown County applied for the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) and was eligible to receive $55 for every person who lived outside of an incorporated area; the grant allowed for 20 percent to be paid up front. With 12,868 people living in unincorporated areas, Brown County was eligible for $707,740. The county received $141,548 (20 percent) in May, 2020. In December, the county had to account for that amount and reimburse the state for any money remaining. That money could only be spent on a limited range of purposes. The county used it to purchase a variety of extensive protective measures for the courthouse, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and public safety personnel costs. As time went on, the state expanded the list of authorized expenditures with the result that the county ended up being eligible for reimbursement of the entire authorized amount. Therefore, on Friday, February 5, 2021, the county received an additional check for $566,192. This money will be used by the Commissioners to offset costs incurred dealing with the effects of the COVID pandemic. County expenses included $1,498 beyond the initial maximum allotted, and the county will be reimbursed that amount in the future. In total, the county has received $707,740 from the CRF. County Treasurer Ann Krpoun and County Auditor’s department did exhaustive research and data collection to make these reimbursements possible.
In 2020, Brown County was awarded grants from the Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM) to repair a low-water crossing Commissioner Shaw’s precinct, and to provide an emergency electrical system backup (a 35kw LP generator) in Commissioner Kelton’s precinct. Work on the low-water crossing in Commissioner Shaw’s precinct will begin as soon as a hydrology study is completed. This grant package totals $214,665 of which the county must pay $53,666.25. The county will be reimbursed this month for 75 percent of an expenditure of $7,849 which was used to begin purchase of the emergency electrical backup system for the May community in Commissioner Kelton’s precinct. The grant package is worth $20,291 of which TxDot will pay $15,218.25 (75%) and the county will pay $5,072.75 (25%).
In late 2020 the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDoT) awarded Brown County a Texas Infrastructure grant package worth $206,048. The county will pay $41,209 of that amount and TxDoT will pay $164,839 on a reimbursement basis. Last week the county filed for reimbursement of $18,563.53 on an expenditure of $23,204. Payment is expected this week.