Fire Destroys Mason County Courthouse


A tragedy for our neighbors to the south in Mason, Texas as their beautiful courthouse burned Thursday night.  According to a story on

The stately 111 year old Mason County Courthouse erupted in flames Thursday night and it appears the structure is a total loss.  It was reported the fire was spotted around 9:30PM and fire crews from several neighboring departments responded to assist the Mason VFD in containing the blaze.

Fire crews responding include Brady Fire/EMS, Rochelle VFD and Lohn VFD.  Traffic around the square has been rerouted as the blaze is brought under control.  There was another fire in progress on Ranck St which reports say is a residence.

The courthouse was undergoing an extensive renovation and all offices and records were moved to a different location on the square.

Photo Credit – Rich C. Klein (Mason, TX) on the website