Daily Update:
On January 7, 2021, the Brownwood/Brown County Health Department received 58 positive COVID-19 test results, 38 negative, and 49 recoveries. Of the 58 positives, 36 were PCR, and 22 were antigen. There are currently 14 hospitalized in Brown County. For updated case counts and additional information: www.brownwoodtexas.gov/health
COVID-19 Vaccine Contact Form:
Please visit: http://bit.ly/3oplKFC to enter your contact information in order to be notified when COVID-19 vaccines are available. This form will serve as a contact list to be used by the Brownwood/Brown County Health Department when there are vaccines available for qualifying groups. The Health Department may share this list with local providers who have vaccines in order to expedite vaccine distribution.
Upcoming Free Mobile COVID-19 Test Dates:
Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) COVID-19 mobile testing team will continue tomorrow Friday, January 7th. Testing will also be available January 11th-15th in Brownwood from 10 am to 4 pm at Gordon Wood Stadium located at 3206 Milam Drive.