Hospital Region D Exceeds Threshold of 15% COVID Hospitalizations


The Brownwood/Brown County Health Department has been notified by the State that our hospital region (D) has exceeded the threshold of seven consecutive days of over 15% COVID hospitalizations.

The exceeded threshold of hospitalizations in our region has triggered business restrictions as per Executive Order GA-32.

According to GA-32, all businesses that were operating at a 75% occupancy are now required to be at 50%.

Bars are subject to Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) permit restrictions. The city defers to TABC for what is and is not allowed.

There are no changes to restrictions on Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce, religious services, child care services, and schools. Brown County will remain under restrictions until the hospital region has 7 consecutive days of 15% or less COVID hospitalization rate.

Bars are encouraged to contact TABC directly to determine what is required. Businesses are encouraged to refer to GA-32 directly for more information.

The Brownwood/Brown County Health Department encourages all residents to continue to practice safety protocols to limit the spread of COVID-19.