Brownwood High School (BHS) American Sign Language Students have been doing a lot of hand waving in class and around the campus with school opening back up. BHS now offers American Sign Language I and II and is establishing a Chapter of ASL Honor Society (ASL HS) this year through the American Sign Language Teacher’s Association (ASLTA). Due to BHS ASL teacher, Renee Fraze, being a member of ASLTA, students will be participating in Deaf Culture related contests in the fall and spring semesters through digital entries to ASL HS. To fund contest entry fees and Honor Society regalia, BHS ASL Club is currently selling T-shirts as a fundraiser. Order forms and payment are being accepted now through Wednesday, September 23rd.
“Students have recently learned the sign language alphabet, number production (1-20), the Pledge of Allegiance, The Texas Pledge, and The National Anthem in addition to the regular class curriculum,” said Fraze. “I have been delighted in seeing ASL II students, new and returning, happy to participate at such an intense level so early in the semester.”
The language use has also gained attention from the Deaf Community as students use their skills at part-time jobs to converse with Deaf customers or to teach others what they have learned. “I continue to be contacted by Deaf community members inquiring about signing events and interpreting,” noted Fraze. “So, we will continue to wave our hands in the air, because we really do care!”