May PTO Receives $2,000 Donation from North Lake Community Church for School Supplies


The May ISD Parent-Teacher Organization was wanting to do something significant for the 250 students of the school district.

“It’s been a personal goal of mine for many years to pull something like this off.  It was a big undertaking and it definitely needs support and y’all stepped up really wanting to help,” said Frank Henderson, president of the May PTO.

The “y’all” he was referencing was North Lake Community Church which has been active with the May schools through the Fellowship of Christian Athletes program every Friday during the school year.

“I’d never had a phone call from Frank Henderson.  I called him back later and he began to share with me that the May PTO had made a decision, $7,000, that they wanted to underwrite all the students for their school supplies for this calendar year,” said Ron Keener, pastor of North Lake Community Church.  “I thought, that’s a big deal.  Our church is always reaching out for creative ministry opportunities and open doors,” Keener said.

Shown in the Photo for the $2,000 check presentation, Left to Right:
Ron Keener, pastor of North Lake Community Church; Allison Williams, May Elementary principal; Natalie Steele, Teacher Facilitator and Federal Programs for May ISD; Frank Henderson, President of May PTO; Nick Heupel, May Secondary Principal;  and Russell LeMond, Assistant Pastor of North Lake Community Church.

Originally the church committed $1,000 to the project but set a goal to raise $1,250.  Starting on July 12, and for five straight Sunday’s, the members of North Lake Community Church gave and gave some more.

“Our church, in five Sundays, raised $2,000, over and above everything else we do and we give to a lot of things, we’re involved in a lot of ministries across Brown County,” Keener said.

Last Sunday, August 9, there was a stack of envelopes in the church offering, just for May ISD school supplies.

“It took us almost an hour to count just last Sunday’s donations,” said Russell LeMond, Assistant Pastor of North Lake Community Church.

Other businesses in the May area have contributed $650 so far so the May PTO is about half-way to their goal but students will start the school year Monday, August 17, with school supplies in hand.

You can still donate to this effort by reaching out to Frank Henderson on the May PTO Facebook page.