On Tuesday, December 5th, from 6 to 8 p.m., the Early Police Department, Brown County Sheriff’s Office and the Brownwood Police Department will team up to present the “Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events” or CRASE course.
The CRASE course was developed at Texas State University and the ALERRT program to provide the general public with some guidelines on what to do during an active shooter or any disaster type event. This course is presented across the nation by law enforcement agencies to better prepare their communities for tragic events like mass shootings. The event will be held at the Early High School on December 5th and will begin promptly at 6 p.m.
The class is free and there is no need to register in advance. The course is open to everyone.
More information on the strategies presented in the course can be found at www.avoiddenydefend.org or you can call Chief David Mercer at 325-646-5322 or Chief Terry Nichols at 325-646-2525 for more information.