Four students from Howard Payne University’s Pre-College Music and Art Program were recently awarded scholarships at the 19th Annual Music Scholarship Awards in Eastland during the town’s RipFest. The scholarship awards were presented by the Nancy Seaberry Frost Arts Endowment (NSF Arts).
Students who received scholarships were Angie Calfa (16), a voice and piano student from Santa Anna; Christopher Ivy (7) and Kyle Ivy (13), piano students from Brownwood; and Sarah Ann Reeves (14), a piano and voice student from Brownwood. The four scholarship recipients are students of Diane Owens, director of HPU’s Pre-College Music Program.
“We are so honored that our young students received this recognition,” said Owens. “We are also thankful for the opportunities for study that the scholarships provide to these students.”
NSF Arts has awarded hundreds of music scholarships and sponsored more than 100 concerts across Texas since 1999. NSF Arts is a proud sponsor of many youth music programs in the state that provide concert tickets and music education experiences for Texas school children.