HPU Hosts the National Christian College Forensics Invitational


Howard Payne University Student Speaker Bureau speech and debate team hosted the National Christian College Forensics Association (NCCFA) invitational on March 7-9. HPU first attended the tournament in 2005 and has every consecutive year since.

The tournament included teams from 13 universities from across the U.S. Over 130 students gathered on the HPU campus to compete in speaking and debate events over the course of the three days.

This is the first time the NCCFA tournament has been hosted by a Texas university.

“We were so pleased to have been chosen as the host for the 28th annual national tournament,” said Dr. Julie Welker, professor of communication, chair of the Department of Communication and coach of the team. “This is such a special organization in forensics, and we are proud to be an active member in the association as it aligns so perfectly with the Christian mission of HPU.”

Dr. Welker is on the NCCFA executive committee and has served as the treasurer for 15 years.

Freshman Rylie Burden, a jurisprudence and Guy D. Newman Honors Academy major from Nederland, won second place in novice extemporaneous speaking, fifth place in novice homiletics, and fifth place in novice impromptu speaking. She was also in the top 10 debaters in the junior varsity division.

Katie Richards, freshman strategic communication and theatre major from Brownfield, placed sixth in faith interpretation.

“I’m especially proud of our two freshman competitors who stepped into the national competition and excelled,” said Welker. “Rylie and Katie are exemplary competitors, and their preparation and hard work paid off. I can’t wait to see how they continue to improve next year.”

Katelyn Sims, team captain and junior Guy D. Newman Honors Academy and global studies major from Cleburne, and Adrielle Sloan, junior Guy D. Newman Honors Academy and strategic communication major from Blue Ridge, competed as well.

“I’m so thankful for all the volunteers and judges who helped make this endeavor a success,” said Welker. “The Visit Early tourism team, led by Denise Hudson-Brian, helped sponsor the tournament and provided invaluable volunteer service all weekend long. We are so appreciative of their support.”

“We are blessed to have such incredibly talented students and a coach in Dr. Welker who consistently exhibits the highest level of professionalism,” said Dr. Mike Rosato, dean of the School of Education and Fine Arts. “Dr. Welker did an outstanding job in hosting this national event. Kudos to her and the entire team of volunteers.”

To support HPU’s Student Speaker Bureau with funds to help with travel expenses and other related needs, please visit www.hputx.edu/give and select “Student Speaker Bureau” for the designation on the donation form.

High school students interested in pursuing their undergraduate education at HPU and competing on the team should contact Dr. Welker at jwelker@hputx.edu. All members of the team must audition and are eligible to receive a scholarship based on their previous speech and debate accomplishments.