BMDD Board takes action on items following executive session


Following an executive session at Tuesday afternoon’s meeting, the Brownwood Municipal Development District Board of District took action on two items discussed.

The Board first voted in favor of bestowing a Building Improvement Incentive Grant not to exceed $25,000 on a business located at 403 Fisk. The Board also approved Executive Director Ray Tipton to negotiate a real estate transaction with the Brownwood Industrial Foundation authorizing expenses not to exceed $25,000.

In other matters Tuesday, Tipton provided the Board with the BMDD’s Annual Report for the 2024 year.

Tipton also shared updates on a few projects in town, including the 1.85 acre parcel on Commerce behind Panda Express and 7 Brew that is continuing to be marketed.

The demolition is still in process at the future Shoppes on Commerce location, which will feature Ross, Ulta Beauty Five Below, James Avery, and Bath & Body Works and open in 2026. Tipton stated the buildings had been torn down, but work still continues on the slab. Construction plans are expected any day.

In regard to Riverside Park, there is still no firm timetable and when it will reopen after renovations, but the City of Brownwood Parks Department has been meeting internally in terms of what needs to be done when construction is complete to make sure the revamped park makes a good first impression.