During Tuesday morning’s meeting, the Brownwood City Council approved a resolution to enter into an agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation to update the Airport Layout Plan.
According to the FAA, the Brownwood Regional Airport’s current Airport Layout Plan is 15 years old and out of date. The Airport Layout Plan is a critical planning tool that lays out current and future facilities and planned development of all airport properties.
The City is in the process of acquiring another grant that will make significant improvements to the runway. Per the FAA, a current Airport Layout Plan is a key component in getting awarded this next grant which is badly needed.
The City has an opportunity to update the Airport Layout Plan utilizing a grant from TXDOT at a 90 to 10 match. Once approved, staff will work alongside the TxDOT Aviation Division to begin the quote process and the engineering firm selection.
The total cost of the project is approximately $300,000 and the actual cost to the City will be $30,000 or less. The $30,000 will not be expended until after October 1, 2025, and will be included in the Airport’s 25-26 year budget.
Also Tuesday, Corinne T. Smith Animal Center Treasurer Jan Plance provided an update to the Council regarding the spay and neuter voucher program. The Center received $20,000 for the fiscal year from the City for the voucher program, which has almost been spent. Plance asked for $50,000 from the City – which the original amount when the program was created in 2022 – to finish off the fiscal year. Plance cited the popularity of the program, which wasn’t as high during its inception, as the need for more funding. Council is expected to take up the matter at a future meeting.
The Brownwood City Council after executive session approved purchasing the former motor bank office building at 601 Center Avenue for $169,000 and approved a sales contract with Danhil Containers for 10 acres in the light industrial park at $150,000.
Council also approved the addition of Stacy Smith to replace Amber Shugrue, who served the maximum length permitted, on the library board.
Council also received an update on the street seal coat list for the rest of the year, as well as the racial profiling report from the police department. The police department, which made 5,129 traffic stops last year, was found to be in compliance.
Also Tuesday, the Brownwood City Council recognized Utility Building Supervisor Crystal Buitron, Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor Celisa Cox, and Airport Manager Kyle Whitley for their recent promotions during the latest meeting. The council acknowledged their hard work and dedication to the city, highlighting the positive impact these promotions will have on the city’s continued development and service to the community.