Each year BHS English 3 students in Ms. Taff and Ms. Goodman’s classes participate in a mock trial. “This teaches critical thinking, persuasive and argumentative writing, and it’s fun,” stated Taff. “This year they are doing the case of Ivan Cantu. They have trial transcripts, evidence, and have listened to some of the podcast (Cousins By Blood) about him. The students are required to write opening and closing statements, question witnesses, analyze evidence, and some are assigned character roles as witnesses. The witnesses are expected to know their testimony and answer truthfully when questioned.”
Members of the community participate and help the students prepare for the mock trial that occurs in the classroom. This year the following community members volunteered their time and expertise:
- Judges (Mike Smith & Sam Moss)
- Prosecutors (Michela Murray & Cara Landers)
- Defense Counsel (Jason Johnson & Todd Steele)
- Court Reporter (Tammy Watkins)
- Bailiff (Michael Sheedy)
- Police Detective (Aaron Taylor)
- Private Detective (Jared Spohn)
- Ballistics Expert (Kal Khatib)
- Fingerprint specialist (Scott Bird)
- Medical Examiner (Dr. Amy Tindol)
View BHS Media Crew photos from the event here: https://bhsmediacrew.smugmug.com/Brownwood-High-School/24-25-Mock-Court