The first annual Revitalizing Our Community (ROC) Holiday Blessing food box giveaway took place Saturday morning at 711 3rd Street, the former Kings Grocery, where supplies ran out at 11 a.m. – an hour earlier than the cutoff time.
“This is an organization that was started 15 years ago by my late father, Draco Miller Sr., and the ROC board met and we wanted to do something during the holidays to give back to the community because the community and citizens have given so much to our organization as well,” said ROC Board member Draco Miller Jr. “It has been such a blessing to be able to feed the community because we know the dollar doesn’t stretch as far as it used to. People are making some hard decisions on what to buy and we wanted to take the stress away.”
An estimated 200 boxes were prepared that included a 10-pound bag of chicken quarters, stuffing mix, cake mix and more.
“The Board decided we wanted to do a holiday food giveaway, so we got with some amazing sponsors – Walmart, United, Brookshire’s and Aldersgate Enrichment Center – to put together food boxes on this day,” Miller said. “It’s a full meal to feed a full family.”