At Monday’s meeting of the Brown County Commissioners, approval was given to County Attorney Jennifer Broughton to hire a new attorney for her office. Marley Murray will be hired in the position of Assistant County Attorney. Her salary will be funded by money from the State of Texas’ “Rural Prosecutor’s Grant,” authorized by Senate Bill SB-22.
Approval was also given to County Clerk Sharon Ferguson to spend $30,000 from the County’s archive fund for the County’s “Record Preservation and Digitization Project.” The County Clerk’s Office is working, one step at a time, to scan and digitize old paper records, before they deteriorate and become unusable. In this case ten books of criminal records from 1883 – 1888 will be scanned, saved as digital files, and then reprinted and bound into new, usable books. Ferguson said the task will be performed by Revolution Data Systems.
Approval was given to a plat of a new real estate project on County Road 180 to be known as Bull Run Acres. Almost twenty acres will be divided into four lots of 4.97 acres each. The request was made by Ray Conner of Heart of Texas Real Estate.
In other business:
*** Commissioners gave approval to the re-appointment of three persons to the Brown County Hospital Authority: Robert Porter, Paul Waldrop, and Keith Clark.
*** Approved the acceptance of a donation to the Sheriff’s Department of $15,000, from the Stephen and Mary Birch Foundation.
*** Approved the hiring of Becky Caffey as a part-time Safety Trainer at the Brown County Jail.
*** Agreed to leave off a burn ban for now.