Hispanic Students at HPU Receive Alumni Scholarships


The Hispanic Alumni Fellowship, together with the Office of Financial Aid at Howard Payne University, awarded scholarships to 28 students on Saturday, September 28.

The Hispanic Alumni Scholarships Breakfast was held at the Doakie Day Arts Center. The first Hispanic scholarship was created in 1974, and alumni have endowed six additional scholarship funds over the past 50 years through which hundreds of thousands of dollars have been awarded to Hispanic students attending HPU.

Many of the students receiving scholarships were away participating in sports and other activities and could not attend the scholarships breakfast. Pictured are eight students who were able to attend along with HPU professor Dr. Jordan Villanueva, HPU Trustee Jake Montoya, and congressional aide Daniela Puente on the far left and Grace Rivas, Rev Ruben Hernandez, and Hispanic Alumni Fellowship president and founder Dr. Juan Andrade on the far right. Andrade founded the Fellowship 49 years ago and resigned at the end of the program.