During Tuesday morning’s meeting, the Brownwood City Council approved paying a price increase of $33,546 for the purchase of an automated trash truck body.
The Sanitation Department ordered an automated trash truck in October 2022. The truck chassis was delivered to the body company the first of September 2024. The truck manufacturer was delayed delivering the truck to the body company because of part shortages. The truck company did not pass along any increases for the truck chassis. The body company notified us that the original price that was quoted in 2022 is no longer valid and is requesting an additional $33,546 to complete the build. The anticipated completion of this build is 120 days. The original body price was $170,157, and the new body price is $203,703.
The Council also adopted a resolution for a policy governing Public Improvement Districts.
With the continued growth of the City of Brownwood, City staff feels it would be prudent to consider adopting a policy governing the use of Public Improvement Districts (PIDs). Public Improvement Districts are development financing tools authorized pursuant to Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code which allow for the costs of certain public improvements (such as water, sewer, streets, drainage) in a designated area to be allocated to and paid for by the owners of the parcels of land that benefit from such improvements.
With the rising costs of construction of such public improvements, PIDs can provide a means to fund public improvements that otherwise might not be constructed. The purpose of this policy is to outline the considerations that will need to be addressed before the City Council can support the establishment of a PID. Such considerations include petition requirements, assessments, mandatory information disclosures to property owners in a potential PID, reimbursement to the City in for the costs incurred to implement the PID, the costs and parameters in which the issuance of certificates of obligations secured by and payable from PID assessments will be considered.
Council also approved an exception to International Fire Code Sections 907.2.12.1 and 914.7.1 requiring a fire alarm and an automatic sprinkler system as conditions for approval of a Special Event Permit and a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy to have a Haunted House at 1400 Houston Street.
The Old Jail will be the site of a haunted house similar to the one that was held at the former Brownwood Bulletin building last year.
The Council also approved 12 new capital leases with Citizens National Bank and assigning a property tax pledge.
The leases are:
- Street Department – Peterbilt Patch Truck (22/23) $248,972
- Street Department – Peterbilt Dump Truck $157,469
- Street Department – Peterbilt Dump Truck #2 $157,069
- Street Department – Traffic Signal upgrade $100,392
- Water Department – Kenworth Service Truck (22/23) $119,940
- WWC Department – Peterbilt Dump Truck #1 (22/23) $131,160
- WWC Department – Kenworth Service Truck (22/23) $119,940
- WWC Department – Kenworth Dump Truck #2 $132,319
- Sanitation Department – Kenworth Rolloff $222,823
- Sanitation Department – Peterbilt Crane Truck $225,256
- Info Tech Department – Computer Hardware & Software $368,490
- Fleet Department – Fuel Tank Replacement $233,944
- Total – $2,217,773
The Council also authorized the Mayor and Fire Chief to sign the final document supporting the Brown County Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
This plan is written in collaboration with Brown County, local fire departments, the cities of Bangs, Blanket, Early and the Texas Forest Service. The City of Brownwood recently submitted a letter of support, now the County is requesting that the Mayor and Fire Chief sign the final plan document. The Brown County Commissioners and other participating entities have already signed the application.
The Council approved a Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) services agreement between the City of Brownwood and the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce.
The current Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) services agreement with the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce expires this month, and the Chamber has proposed a new one-year agreement. The only change in the new agreement is to increase the funds from $5000 to $7000 to cover increased costs for continued management of the highway banners that are used to promote events. The banners hang across East Commerce between Chili’s and Popeye’s.
The Council approved the City Manager to sign a memorandum of understanding between the City of Brownwood and Keep Brownwood Beautiful.
Over the years the City and KBB have had an MOU in place that details the responsibilities of each party. The lone change to the MOU for this next year regards Litter Prevention “one free county-wide clean-up” was changed to, “a free city-wide clean-up (held at the City’s discretion).”
The Council awarded an 834-acre lease to Brandon Geye for $22,500 per year for three years which will include an addition three-year extension option, and awarded a 66-acre lease to Rodney Woodard for $811 per year for three years, which also will include an additional three-year extension option.
Brownwood Municipal Development District Board re-appointments Lynn Day , Weston Jacobs and Ashley Jaynes were also approved for two-year terms.
Passed on the consent agenda were an ordinance setting charges for fees, rentals, licenses and permits for the City of Brownwood for the 2024-25 fiscal year; an ordinance setting charges, fees, rates and deposits for customers on the Brownwood water, sewer and sanitation system for 2024-25 fiscal year; and an ordinance identifying rollout container placement times.
The Council also approved accepting a donation from Brownwood Civic Improvement Foundation (BCIF) for $11,000 to be used for new landscaping at Coggin Park, as well as donations from Carla Draper and Sunset Ridge Funds Development. The donations, totaling $1,200, are earmarked for future equipment purchases not supported by the General or Capital budgets for the Fire Department.