Brookesmith ISD Initiates Fledgling Music Program

Brookesmith ISD issued the following press release Tuesday:
Brookesmith ISD Superintendent Steve Mickelson decided that his students needed a music program. What to do?
He began a collaboration with Howard Payne University in the spring which is still in development. Meanwhile, Ms. Alyssa Graves, an indigenous drama and English teacher, stepped up. She offered to begin the program immediately so that students could pick up some basics and not have to wait until the second semester to get started. She is fully certified to teach K-12 music and has considerable experience and skill in singing.
The plan is to teach elementary students, Kindergarten thru 5th grades, 30 minutes of instruction once a week. Ms. Graves is using Solfege, the study of singing using solmization syllables. Solmization is a system of associating each note of a scale with  a particular syllable in order to teach singing. While that sounds awfully complicated, the students seem to have no difficulty at all putting this into practice.
The seed has been planted. We look forward to seeing it grow!