- Posted By: Derrick Stuckly
- July 8, 2024 @ 5:25 am
- Local News

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, a one-vehicle rollover on FM 2632 at 8:14 a.m. Saturday, July 6 claimed the life of a 35-year-old Temple man.
Jerrod Lynn Pannell was driving a Chevrolet pickup headed north and failed to navigate a curve in the road. The driver veered off the right side of the road and attempted to steer back onto the road, which resulted in a side skid. While skidding, the pickup truck hit a road sign, causing it to roll over. The driver was not wearing a seat belt and was ejected during the rollover.
The DPS stated speed and driver impairment due to the use of alcohol are believed to be contributing factors in this crash in its preliminary report.