- Posted By: Derrick Stuckly
- May 24, 2024 @ 5:36 am
- Local News

Brookesmith ISD issued the following information Thursday:
Exciting times at Brookesmith ISD Wednesday as more than 60 K-thru-5 elementary students and staff gathered to celebrate a year of achievement in the Accelerated Reader program. Librarian Teresa Contreras presented various awards to the students with very special recognition to second graders Annabel Land and Alice Strayhorn, from Ms. Nelson’s class. These students won first and second places, respectively. Students earned points by reading books at their skill level and passing tests about the books. Junior High and High School sports-team members and cheerleaders lined the sidewalks and shouted encouragement as all the elementary participants paraded triumphantly by on their way back to classes. Good Job, kids!