Robert Sciammarella has been selected to receive the 2024 Volunteer of the Year Award. The Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes the Brown County MRC volunteer’s outstanding dedication and service.
Mr. Sciammarella has dedicated many hours of service to Brown County by attending required trainings, meetings, and assisting with community service events. These actions have proven his commitment to the community and emergency preparedness efforts.
The Brown County Medical Reserve Corps is a network of volunteers who help make communities stronger and healthier during disasters and every day. Volunteers work to improve local emergency response capabilities, reduce potential public health risks and vulnerabilities, and build community preparedness and resilience. The Brown County MRC prepares for and responds to natural disasters, such as wildfires and floods, as well as other emergencies affecting public health, such as disease outbreaks.
MRC volunteers also regularly contribute to community preparedness engaging in activities like Stop the Bleed training and service activities/events such as cooling and first aid stations.
Anyone interested in joining the Brown County Medical Reserve Corps can contact the Public Health Emergency Preparedness office at the Brownwood/Brown County Health Department by calling (325) 643-3793 or emailing to