EARLY – During Tuesday night’s meeting, the Early City Council unanimously approved the final plat for the Early Estates Subdivision.
The plat, or map with proposed features, calls for 254 new homes over 10 years in the residential housing development beginning at the 200 block of Longhorn Drive and extending to Salt Creek Drive. The first wave of construction is underway which features 37 new home sites. Three more phases will follow.
Also Tuesday, the Early City Council unanimously voted to amend facility rental and usage fees for the City of Early Business Complex and the outdoor Town Center Park facilities.
The approved fees for the Large Conference Room at the Business Complex are $50 for 4 hours, $85 for up to 8 hours, and $115 for up to 12 hours, plus a $50 security deposit. For the Small Conference Room, fees will be $35 for 4 hours, $70 for up to 8 hours, and $100 up to 12 hours.
At the Early Town Center Park, to rent the outdoor classroom the fee is $40 for 4 hours and $100 for the full day. The deposit for 4 hours is $20 and $30 for the full day.
Also, following a public hearing, the Council approved annexing 8 acres of land at 2850 County Road 336, and approved a City services agreement.
City Administrator Tony Aaron told the Council the reasoning for the annexation was the owner of the property, “requested water service. They have a well, but they wanted City water. When we gave them the pros and cons of annexation opposed to paying outside rates, they voluntarily requested to be annexed because they’ll get cheaper water rates and cheaper sanitation rates. We welcome the opportunity to annex them, the 8 acres and that section of the county road as well. In the future, that gives the City an 8-acre tract that could possibly be developed.”
The address was within the Zephyr water district, but Zephyr did not have a water line extension to provide service, Aaron added. Zephyr was willing to sign over the area to the City of Early, which is actually the site of the old City water well.
Council also approved the parameters for a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Early and the Texas Music Office within the Officer of the Governor for Early to become a Music Friendly City, a first for Brown County.
Participation in the Music Friendly program provides communities with a network for fostering music industry development and sends a message to industry professionals that a community is committed to attracting and developing music industry growth.
City of Early Tourism Director Denise Hudson told the Council, “We also have a request in with the Governor’s Office to become a Texas Tourism Friendly City, and being Music Friendly certified is one of the requirements. It’s of no cost to us and we get to determine our own board and rules.”
As the meeting began, the Oath of Office was administered to council members Benny Allcorn, Charles Matlock and Leland Acker, who each are beginning a new term.
Proclamations were read by Mayor Robert Mangrum regarding National Police Week, National Travel and Tourism Week, National Public Works Week and National Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Week.
Also, quarterly reports were provided by the Fire Department, Public Works Department and Finance Department.