Sheena Rodriguez, President of Alliance for a Safe Texas (AST) will be the special speaker at the Pecan Valley Republican Women’s May monthly meeting. The meeting will be held on May 16, 2024 at 5:30 pm at the Brownwood Country Club. The community is cordially invited to attend. Membership is not required.
PLEASE RSVP TO REBECCA, 325-998-3880 by Tuesday, May the 14 to ensure enough food is prepared by the Country Club Buffet. ($17 CASH ONLY) Buffet will open at 5:30 pm.
Tens of thousands of unaccompanied children have crossed our southern border and over 80,000 have disappeared! Where are they? Who is responsible for their disappearance? All these questions and more require answers. Sex trafficking of innocent children in our own country? Sheena Rodrigues has dedicated her life to finding answers and together with others are working to find out.
Sheena Rodriguez is President of Alliance for a Safe Texas. The mission of Alliance for a Safe Texas is to inform and educate our fellow Texans about the consequences of illegal immigration and open border policies.
Alliance for a Safe Texas fights to combat this, using a three-prong approach;
1. Through legislative, city, and county efforts,
2. Providing support to border counties and law enforcement throughout Texas,
3. Exposing the truth of the horrific realities that impact our southern border and affect every corner of our great state and nation.
In July 2023, she was invited by Congress to testify on the travesty of child endangerment and trafficking resulting from open border policies.
In her very busy schedule, Sheena is a wife and homeschooling mother who began her activism in the pro-life movement by serving several years as a volunteer counselor at a local crisis pregnancy center. Since 2021, she has focused her efforts on raising awareness of the negative consequences of a porous border and views border-related issues as an extension of the pro-life movement. When not at the border, Sheena can often be found at the Texas Capitol attempting to influence legislation to help fortify Texas. AST also strives to help educate everyday Texans so they can become engaged on the grassroots, state, and local levels. This includes helping to research & educate on Constitutional action items. By doing so, Sheena and AST hope to combat the negative consequences of relaxed border policies impacting every Texan and American.
Come listen to all she has to say Thursday May 16 2024 at the PVRW meeting and bring a friend.