Everybody knows her as just “Pat”. But her name is Pat Cunningham, and she has cheerfully greeted and helped patrons for eighteen years at the Brownwood Community Library. Now retirement is calling, and it is Pat’s turn to check out and read books from the Library.
Pat was born in Brownwood “at the Stump Hospital”, and worked various jobs over the years, including MHMR and Wal-Mart. Then she spent thirty years driving a school bus. When she retired from that job she went to work at the Library, eighteen years ago. “It was wonderful. I loved it down here. And I love the books and working with the people.”
Today the Library held a retirement party for Pat. Colleagues, patrons, and friends attended and presented Pat with a cake that looks like a book, in green, Pat’s favorite color.
eing out front. So many people knew and loved her. Her ancestors lived here, and it seemed like every other person was her cousin, or someone who was on her school bus. She is just very loved by the community. She retired several months ago, and everybody has been asking about her, so we are very glad to be able to have this party for her.”
Hey Pat, what are you going to do now? Well, she’s not going to Disneyland. “I am planning on reading a lot of books, just staying home and reading books. I love to read. They can’t keep me in enough books.”