The Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce hosted a Ribbon Cutting for Junk & Disorderly Antiques on Thursday, February 15th to celebrate their new location across the street from their former location and right in front of the Brown County Sheriff’s Office and Brownwood Police Department.
Sandy and Bob Snyder’s dream, the charming antique shop Junk & Disorderly, features a delightful jailhouse theme. From the antique ‘Paddy Wagon’ outside to the jail cell, the vigilant sheriff at his desk, and Scotty the Trustee welcoming guests at the door, the shop exudes a unique vibe. Sandy manages the store with the assistance of some longtime friends and accommodates over 30 local vendors who offer a wide array of goods, ranging from antique furniture, kitchenware, and home decor to crafts, jewelry, and art.
Visit them today at 1064 W. Commerce in Brownwood and follow their journey at facebook.com/sandy.junkanddisorderly.