Commissioners Appoint Haney As Temporary JP


At today’s meeting of the Brown County Commissioners Court, G. Lee Haney was given a temporary appointment as Justice of the Peace, Precinct One.  That JP office was vacated recently when Doug Hurt resigned to take another job.  The Commissioners have already called an election to fill Hurt’s unexpired term.  The primary election for that office will be held in March 2024.  A runoff election, if necessary, will be in May, and the general election will be in November 2024.  Once there is a winner of the primary election in March, or May, and if that candidate has no opponent in the November general election, the Commissioners may at that point declare that candidate elected and install him or her in the office.  Haney has agreed to serve as Justice of the Peace through the primary election, and runoff if there is one, but made no commitment beyond that.  Lee Haney is currently City Judge for both Brownwood and Early, and will continue in both of those positions.

In other business:

*** Took no action on a burn ban, leaving the current No Burn Ban in place.  Also took no action to ban or restrict fireworks for New Year’s Day, so fireworks will be allowed.

*** Declared four vehicles from the Sheriff’s Department as surplus, per a request from Sheriff Vance Hill.  The four vehicles are:  2007 Chevrolet Blazer, 2006 Ford F150 pickup, 2000 Dodge van, and 2010 Dodge Charger.  The vehicles will be listed for sale on

*** Declared as surplus nineteen “dilapidated” chairs from the Sheriff’s Department, per a request from Sheriff Hill.  The chairs will be disposed of at Sheriff Hill’s discretion.

*** Opened a bid for a new hot water system for the County Law Enforcement center.  The current hot water system failed several weeks ago.  A temporary patch was made, but a new system is required.  Sheriff Hill has recommended that they abandon the boiler system that is currently being used, and replace it with a system of tankless water heaters.  Only one bid was received, from Black Plumbing, for $110,385.  Some questions were raised about additional electrical work that would be required for the new system.  No action was taken today.