Assault of public servant, additional charges in Early arrest


The Early Police Department issued the following press release Tuesday morning:

On Tuesday, Nov. 14 Early Police officers were notified of a man beating a woman near the 1200 block of CC Woodson. Upon officers arrival a male was seen beating on the window of a van. Upon the officer’s approach he learned the male had assaulted a female inside the van while it was moving. The officers attempted to calm the male who was later identified Larry Pendergrast but were unable to get compliance. Officers then attempted to place the male in handcuffs when he started resisting. Officers had to restrain the male before being able to handcuff him during which time he began kicking at one officer striking him several times. The male was handcuffed and eventually calmed down while sitting on the curb with officers. He was then placed into a patrol car and transported to the Brown County jail without incident. One officer received minor injuries during the altercation with Pendergrast. Pendergrast was charged with assault of public servant, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.