During Monday’s meeting of the Brownwood ISD Board of Trustees, Claycomb Associates, Architects – which is partnering with the school district on the $59,950,000 bond project passed by voters in May – presented potential renderings of upgrades to the Snodgrass building, along with the future Students Activities Center.
“It’s a long process but we do have some pictures and once we get the construction documents done and get the bids back and we’re sure we’re going to be able to present an accurate depiction of what we’re going to put out there, then all that will be on the website,” said Brownwood ISD Superintendent Dr. Joe Young. “You can see some concepts we’re looking at, but remember nothing right now is finalized until we make sure we stay within the guidelines of what the votes approved.”
Among the highlights from Claycomb’s presentation:
- The artificial turf indoor field will be a full 100 yards, with two end zones on either side, longer than originally anticipated
- The field will include a sideline area for band set up and additional training exercises
- The sideline area will also include a space to run 50-meter sprints
- The entrance to the SAC will feature a corridor with male and female restrooms with three toilets each, along with additional storage space
- Tiles will be added to the walls of the corridor to keep it protected
- A stairway on the exterior of the building will lead to a raised platform inside overlooking the turf field
- Translucent panels, in place of windows, will be included along the upper portion of the SAC to allow in light
- The exterior brick will match the Snodgrass building and will also include a gray accent brick
- Between the SAC and the Snodgrass building will be an additional, smaller outdoor turf area
- A new weight room will be built inside the Snodgrass building, along with new storage spaces, and new turf will replace the current turf
- Drop down batting cages for softball and baseball will be added along with the new turf in the Snodgrass building
- The conference room in the Snodgrass building will be removed as that space will be part of the weight room expansion
- Windows to the outside will be added to the new weight room
- New, insulated roll up doors will replace the current ones at the Snodgrass building
- New ventilation and a new HVAC will be provided for the new weight room
Claycomb stated that construction, at the moment, is anticipated to begin in February 2024 and be completed in 12 months, or February 2025. The construction document phase will begin next week and conclude early in January 2024, with the hopes all bids will be received and contracts will be signed at that point.
The proposition that passed for the SAC and Snodgrass upgrades accounted for $16,000,000 of the bond price.
Brownwood ISD will be providing additional information on the projects in the near future.
(story courtesy Derrick Stuckly of Brownwoodnews.com)