Saturday Fundraiser for BHS Dancers Headed to Macy’s Parade


Five Brownwood High School senior members of the Lionettes have been selected to dance in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in New York City with the Spirit of America Dance Team.

Kamryn Williams, Marisol Rodriguez, Sloan Rodriguez, Allorah Franks and Reagan Kittrell will spend a week in New York learning the choreography and practicing with other Spirit of America Dancers from across the nation.  These students and their families are now working diligently to earn the funds to make this dream a reality.

This Saturday, July 22, the Spirt of America Dancers will hold a pulled pork lunch fundraiser in the parking lot of the Advanced Auto Parts (old Kroger) parking lot.  From 10:00 am until they sell out, you can purchase a pulled pork sandwich and chips for $10 each.  Cash and Venmo will be accepted.

Please stop by and support these local ladies in this endeavor.